Saturday, September 25, 2010

Aaaaand... Action!

Blog one.
I can begin a journal like a champ. I usually write well the first day...with New Year's resolution resolve. And then, nothing for weeks. Eventually, i lose it, or just throw the thing out, because, let's face it...where does one actually KEEP a journal? By the bed seems absurd, because i've never thought, "ahhh, off to bed i go! Now, where's my pen?!" I usually fall in bed half passed-out alread, and i can never find a pen, no matter what time of day it is. Dryers eat socks, my house eats pens. I dunno. (Besides that, i'm an eraser kind of girl. And no one wants eraser dust in their bed. Ugh.)

...Plus, i purge when i move. And moving is kind of like a lifestyle for me, especially lately, and is not bound to change for a while.

The most recent move was to Illinois, with Richard (hurray for our first home as a married couple!), but it certainly wont be our last. Heck, we don't know where we will be living a year from now when i do my clinical rotation for Pathology, much where we will end up after that. Packing is a horrid chore, and if you can eliminate even one book...ONE less thing to pack, it's a plus.

So, thus enters the new technology: BLOGGING. ok, it's not new. It's not even really all that new to me. But i've never made an official site before. But now, now i'll have a place to gripe AT LENGTH about school, and all sorts of stuff, all while avoiding studying! Exciting, no?! OH yes! (well, ...we'll see. All of this is assuming i can actually have a second posting before the turn of the century.) So, i'm excited to begin.

...but for now, back to studying so that i "know Pathology" as well as i "know myself." *sigh*

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