Thursday, March 17, 2011


So sore from "workout bootcamp" that the only thing left that i can do without pain is typing. I'm sure they'll find a way to work my fingers out next session or something, though... Some weird form of finger pushups while suspended from a torture appratus or something. (no, seriously they have one. It looks like this:)

Do you see that thing?! It looks like a jungle gym gone wrong. All i will be able to do is cry on the floor, making sure not to sob openly lest my ab muscles constrict slightly and cause another wave of pain.

However, i'm proud that i've survived almost a full week of this torture. I'd better look like Jillian Michaels by the end of this, or i'm gonna be pissed.

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Working Title

 I'm such a blogging slacker! And there isn't even anyone to disappoint if i don't post, but i feel as though i should...

This last semester of my 1st grad school year is killer. My husband just texted me to set up a date night for friday... and even though i said "yes, of course!" and i'm excited that he would even do such a thing, in the back of my mind i'm feeling guilty for taking the night off already. LOL. Pathetic. But, in my defense, I'm already having to scramble to get caught up. I have quizzes/exams/projects/papers and extra credit due that i'm behind on already, and it's only the 2nd week.
...though if i got a grade in facebooking, i'd probably be able to pull of an A with very little effort. Meh. Let's not talk about my defensive arguments i've already got lined up in case anyone else ever points that out, shall we?

i also started a new workout regime. It goes beyond saying "you know, i'd like to get rid of the 15lbs i've found since moving to i'll lose it the way i put it on: slowly." OH, no. It involves daily workouts (or at least 5 a week), including cardio for 45min and some minor weightlifting. Given that i'm bored VEEEEEEERY easily, i've had to switch it up a lot. Eliptical, running (while reading power point slides from lecture that morning if i'm feeling extra awesome that day), a little row machine action, some Zumba DVDs with classmates, ..and the latest: a bootcamp class. 
Becoming healthy is gonna kill me.