Saturday, January 22, 2011


We're moving! Well... that's just slightly premature. We know where my internship is, as of yesterday at 4:19pm, and we couldn't be happier.

For Richard, it's getting back to Texas, but for me, it's that PLUS the added bonus of getting the BEST internship site out there: Methodist Hospital in Houston. I'm so excited! My number one pick for internship site, AND no more -7 (or colder) temps... and a happy husband?! God is good, and i'm glad the wait is over. Now to just finish the house, and put it on the market, and find a new house, and pack, and move (including the kitties), and get it all done in the next few months. Oh, the excitement of my life. LOL.

I wouldn't have it any other way.

Just look at that Tx flag flying! ;)

Wednesday, January 12, 2011


Well, it was bound to happen eventually... especially given that the only health insurance we have is the craptastic plan from the school... So, now i'm sick. Oh, joy!

I tried despirately not to believe it at first. I even blamed it on the sawdust Rich had stirred up in the garage, cutting beadboard and whatnot for the bathroom remodel project.  *cough*  ...oh, that was just some dust particulate matter, obviously, dear. I couldn't get sick...i don't have time.

24 hrs later, and I'm in bed, full-on sick mode. Fever and everything. Ick.

With the amount of snot in my head that's making everything sound like it's underwater, and the pain in my throat/lungs that feels like sandpaper with each cough, all i want to do is sleep. Unfortunately, that's an issue. Why, when the only remedy is "rest" is that so hard to get?!  Lying down is unbearable (i sense i'm about to drown), and sitting up is not condusive to a good night's slumber, so i've been forced into a half-sitting, half-supine sort of arrangement--pillows strategically placed--on the couch.  Which the kitties find to be quite agreeable. ("Oh, a fuzzy blanket and a warm human?! Don't mind if i do...")

Now if only i could get one of the fuzzy space heaters to pass me the remote...