Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Bombshell Blonde

Last weekend I got to have one of the most awesome, rejuvenating experences ever, and with some of the world's best girlfriends. We've been wanting to plan something fun as a "last harrah" before we all left school in North Chicago for our clinical sites around the country, and the ideas have been passed around for months.  ...until, that is, Kristy looked into doing a photoshoot, 50's "pinup" style. She'd signed up to win a one-night group photoshoot...and won! 5 of us (yours truly, included) got to have an amazing, once-in-a-lifetime experience in downtown Chicago with a professional team of makeup/hair artists and photographers... and until that night, i didn't realize how very, very much i needed to feel pretty again.

School and marriage has reaked havoc on my body, and my self-esteem. I know i'm a lucky woman. The chance to go to back to school, an amazing husband who cooks gormet food, and a curvy "volumptous" body gained from it all. But holy crap, am i depressed about it sometimes instead of grateful.  Not that i tell my hubby this. He's awesome. But we girls know that sometimes NO ONE can tell you that you're pretty; it's all about our own impressions of it, and how we feel in our own skin from day to day, and a lot of days i just feel fat and ugly, and depressed about it.  ...so i "eat my feelings" with a second cookie, of course. ;)

But last saturday? Fabulous. No other words can explain how amazing it was to feel like a real pinup model. Pictures have yet to come back, but a few of the girls brought cameras to document the event and get some fun before/after shots... and here are a few of my favorites (retouched by yours truly.) 
The inspiration...

Before shot... with my inspiration drink of choice

After hair/makeup/wardrobe.. and feeling fabulous!

Analyzing the anatomy clipboard... pinup style

LOL. Love it. Pinup meets Pathology!

...So grateful for the chance to do this. And to feel fabulous for a night with some of the best friends i've ever known. Every girl needs to feel beautiful,  get a chance to get out of the scrubs for a day, and channel their inner bombshell!

Monday, May 2, 2011

I can't really think of what to say in response to Osama Bin Laden's death...but here's a little of what's been said that i can agree with...

First, Gwen, a blog i follow that's every so much more intersting than mine. (Or at least more devoted to the craft of blogging, anyway.)

But secondly, a more in-depth Godly view:

and then, this quote:
"I will mourn the loss of thousands of precious lives, but I will not rejoice in the death of one, not even an enemy. Returning hate for hate multiplies hate, adding deeper darkness to a night already devoid of stars. Darkness cannot drive out darkness: only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate, only love can do that.” -Martin Luther King, Jr.

But Mark Twain was able to put it into a single line:
Either way, i do know this: Celebrating the lives of  Godly men/women is so much more enriching than celebrating the death of one evil man. I think wasting one minute more even thinking of Osama--much less taking time out to celebrate this day--is a minute too much. To be completely forgotten after a few moments of reflection is more than he deserves.