Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Shuttle Capades

So, i ride a shuttle to work everyday.---Alright, my "internship", if you want to get technical about it. I know it's free labor, but you don't gotta rub it in. Geesh.---Which is awesome, because it saves me gas, a parking fee (which even buying one doesn't secure me a spot by any means), and offers loads of entertainment.
My pimp ride, yo

And not so much from the people, as the bus drivers. They're characters. Which, i suppose you'd have to be a little crazy to drive a bus full of b*tchy people every day, weaving in and out of the Houston traffic, so I can't say i'm surprised to find out they all have a screw loose. Good people, though.  Ms. Cynthia, and Mr. Keith... they make life interesting, i tell you.

Ms Cynthia is a 50-something, "big boned", black lady, with enough Southern charm to... well, i don't know even how to finish that. I'm sure there's a good saying out there, but none come to mind. Anywhoo, she listens to Christian radio every morning when she comes to pick us up, and personally greets every singe rider with a cheery "Well, goooood mornin'!" even if they are as sour as lemons and groggy from just waking up and rushing to catch the bus. She says, "Thank you now, and have a blessed day!" to every person as they get off at their stop... Really, every person, without fail. And i and i think she really means it. This woman is kind to everyone, and remembers little things about your week, or changes your schedule and drop off location... it's uncanny.

But Lord have mercy, you should hear her rant and rave and carry on about the recent problems with the Ice Cream Delivery Man at her local grocery store. Ms. Cynthia needs "Blue Bell Buttered Pecan" ice cream like crops need rain. And when the delivery guy who stocks the freezers doesn't deliver, things Do. Not. Go. Well.                     For anyone.
I'm almost considering scouring every store in town and buying some for her, but i have yet to figure out the logistics on such a venture. I can't really see myself buying a gallon and dropping it off in place of my token one morning... or can I? I mean, she can't drive and eat it, and saving it for later when her route ends poses an issue.
'Cause, look, I'm definitely not buying the woman a cooler AND ice to go with the tub of ice cream just to get her back in a good mood. ...well, not just yet, anyway.

<----Apparently made with more than just sugar. It sweets people for REAL, yo.

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