Thursday, August 4, 2011

Changes and upgrades in scenery

Ok, so i'm changing up the blog look. Not so much the feel, cause i'm sure it will still be random silly ramblings that come to me at odd times... but it is at least getting a bit of a focus.

For those that "follow" (what the heck? why on earth would you do that?!), here's a quick backgroud on the duality of me:

I started cake decorating as a means to an end. My parents weren't about to pay for school, so when i lost my scholarship (Uh, huh... bad apple right here), i had to find a job. I went into wal-mart, and was looking at cakes on a whim. What?!? ...Hey, i like cakes even when there is no occasion, ok? Don't judge me.
Anyway, i was looing at cakes, and a smart ass nice lady asked, "hey, you ever decorated cakes before, 'cause we need help like YESTERDAY, and you can start now!" Little did i know, she was being mouthy to her boss, who kept nagging her that she was too slow and needed help. I said "Yep. i do that." (i didn't at the time) And i was hired on the spot.
So, thus my training began. I found that i was pretty good at it, and liked it enough to leave walmart and starting doing cakes on my own. And was born.

Now, i did finish my undergrad, thanks to the odd jobs and a lot of cake makin', and graduated with degree in Biology. I used it, and wound up working in a Pathology lab. ...which for those that don't know, people that work in pathology labs are generally outcasts. Creepers. Weirdos that don't know how to deal with people, and prefer dead things. They don't have what we like to call "social skills." ... which is kinda true of me and kinda not. And i love it.

So, today, i'm back in school... finally getting my Masters degree as a Pathologists' Assistant. Which, yes, is like a PA, but specialized in all the goodies that come with being a PA for a Pathologist, including forensic autopsy training. My life is weird.

So, in short, i make cakes. And i cut up dead people. Now do you see why i need a blog?'s cheaper than a therapist. ;)
Relax... this one's cake.

1 comment:

Mequita said...

Hi Hollis, I love your blog. We certainly have a lot in common. I have been working in pathology labs for over 40 years. I don't think I am too weird. Although, I don't talk about the autopsies I have helped with. I look forward to following you.