Saturday, February 12, 2011

We're BaaaAaack! Prepare thyself, Texas.

ZOMG, i can feel my toes! And my skin is not dry or cold or clammy or cracked or chapped... And i saw the SUN today, and it was WARM! *swoon*
Alright, enough caps and exclaimation marks for a bit. They don't really do the feeling justice anyway.

Vacation is awesome, and one where it's warm is the best. (Especially after surviving "The Great Blizzard of 2011!") Ooh, and you know what else? You know what i'm thinking right now?! Nothing. Nothing at all. I'm not joking. It's like ________________ up there. White Noise. (but without that awful freaky crap that happened in the horrifically bad movie of the same name. Egads that was a terrible movie.) 

So, yeah, after the longest drive ever, we're back warm, sunny Texas for two full weeks of soaking up the sun ....while we find a place to live in Houston during my internship. Ok, so yes, there is an agenda, and yes, it does involve some actual footwork while were here, but mostly it involves seeing family and friends and thawing a bit from the brutal Chicago cold. (and some time at the shooting range, maybe, just for shits and giggles. We never get to actually practice in Illinois, just threaten scary people with it when they come to the door at 3am.)

But tonight, we start the festivities with dinner with the in-laws... we'll see what happens from there.

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