Sunday, February 27, 2011

Home ?

I'm back in Illinois, Ya'll  Youz Guys! Texas wanted me to stay, and i was torn... sleep in my own bed and see the fuzzy love-balls that were missing me as much as i missed them, or stay where it was warm and sunny and i could feel Spring happening already. School--and the final semester of the first year!--starting on Monday tipped the scales, so i headed back. After 11 hours of travel (thanks to choosing the cheapest flight plan possible, which included a 3 hour layover in ATL airport), and planes filled with screaming babies, i'm actually glad to be here.

Toak seemed happy to see me again. He even helped me unpack. ...sorta.
Unfortunately, the Mister didn't come back with me. He's stayed behind in Texas for a bit longer to help his parents with the giant task of getting their house ready to sell. (It seems we are quickly becoming experts in this field.) It's a lot of chaos, to be sure. Us moving, them moving, job/career changes for all four of us...all within the next 3 months. Whoohoo! There's bound to be at least one minor breakdown in the future, all of which i plan to blog about in full detail. *insert evil laugh here* 
Now if i could just get out of Vacation Mode and start the studying that is already necessary to make it through this last quarter before the internship, that'd be fan-freakin'-tastic. This calls for coffee.

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