Monday, October 18, 2010


I have a new favorite word. (It's Russian.) "Poshlost" (or alternative spelling: "Poshlust") defined as, "something preposterously overdone but without self-knowledge or irony."
Coincidentally, i have a Russian classmate, whom i believe should change his name to Poshlost. Overly muscled, and unbearably obnoxious, this kid makes me want to strangle him on a daily basis. He's one of those guys who just might be considered attractive, if he weren't such a cocky, self-absorbed, obnoxious prick.
No, really. I'm telling it like it is. He's a total creeper.

Unfortunately, he is dating another classmate and friend who is also from Tx, so i must play nice for her sake.


I can still slander him on the interweb, in the "privacy" of my blog, now can't i?! Yep.

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