Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Good news

Today has been a very crazy, wonderful day.

The day started early... waaaay too early, in fact. Up early to study for an 8am exam, that I'd crashed out on too early last night because of a headache and extreme exhaustion.
Before i left for school, I made sure Richard was awake for his interview, and raced out the door.
Waiting on both cars were parking tickets (again! Grrrr! ...but that's a whole different story), so i removed the tickets from both cars so Richard wouldn't see them and be fuming over them and our arch enemy the infamous "Officer Vadge" (...again, a story for another day) on his way to the interview he was excited about.
I arrived to school to find no where to park in spite of the early hour, thanks to some poorly planned construction going on near our main building, but made it to the lab with 2 minutes to spare.

Time to begin....
and i blanked on question #1. 
OH, well, moving on....

But wait. Whats this? Blank on #2... no. really. No idea. So now the panic sets in.

This goes on until question #4, when things start to click again, and go a bit more smoothly.
By the last few, i felt more confident, and was able to return to all the previous questions, jot down something coherent, and finish in plenty of time. I even felt pretty good about it.

When Richard called text to tell me his interview had gone well, everything sounded like a go, I was on top of the world. :)

The rest of the day had some major snafus... some mildly comical and just minor inconveniences, others major upsets, but none of it could get me down. Last major test of the semester done, and a possible job that would be enjoyable for Rich while we're here?! i couldn't ask for more.

The world is looking up. God is good, and he provides. Thank goodness for all the great people in our life that remind of us that, even when we forget.

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