Sunday, April 17, 2011

I've decided to retire...

So, i've had this epiphany. i know i'm in grad school and all, aaaaaand i haven't had a job in almost a year, ...but i'm considering early retirement. Hanging out with my grandma has showed me that it's everything i'd hoped it would be and more. Since coming to Florida and staying at her house, we've gotten up when we wanted, eaten chocolate for breakfast, lounged around in our PJ's til mid-morning, done some shopping (fueled by lunches at Olive Garden,where we gorged ourselves on salad and breadsticks before entrees arrived), and retied to the house by 5pm for happy hour (wine and/or a glass of sherry). Oh, and later it's ice cream (before dinner, not after, because you want to have room for it in case dinner is too filling) in front of the big flat screen TV, watching anything fun that catches our fancy as long as it's not too sad or could be considered educational, before heading off to bed.

Scatter in some gossiping, a little time in the garden checking out the amazing things that have begun to blossom, the occasional "get together" across town, an art project or two (but nothing that has to be done if a nap attack suddenly strikes)... and yeahhh, that pretty much sums it up. And they want me to go back to the real world tomorrow?!? Pfff. I've tasted the good life, and i'm as good as ruined!

Unfortunately, my g'ma says that in order to make this happen sooner rather than later, i have to somehow:
1) Become independently wealthy, or
2) Marry rich and become a housewife (no kids, though, those totally ruin the plan), or
3) Get myself a magic genie, and make good use of those wishes.

None of which seem to be on my horizon. *sigh*

...though on the other hand, she also told me that the trouble with retirement is that you never get a day off. Which sounds an awful lot like work, to me. So maybe i'll stick with plan A for now, and just work in a few more "retirement weekends" every now and then to keep me going. Kudos, grandma, for your wisdom--on dessert and life.

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